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Features | Rhinoplasty | Bangalore
Doctor's Search


Features 1
Cosmetic Surgery

Before and After Nose Job SurgeryBefore and After BlepharoplastyBefore and After Neck Lift SurgeryBefore and After Face Lift SurgeryBefore and After Laser ResurfacingBefore and After Hair TransplantBefore and After Arm Lift SurgeryBefore and After LiposuctionBefore and After Tummy TuckBefore and After Breast ImplantsBefore and After Breast ReductionDoctor Looking at Woman’s Face
Cosmetic Surgery: Before and After
Cosmetic surgery once may have been just for the rich and famous, but not anymore. Every year, more than a million Americans visit a surgeon hoping to get a flatter tummy, a larger bust, or a reshaped nose or chin. Learn about the most popular requests in the slides ahead and see the results

Teens and Plastic Surgery
Laser Skin Resurfacing
Start With Primer
Know Your Goals
Features 2
Mirror, Mirror, Say It Ain't So

At some point, it’s hard to ignore the vivid signs of aging you see in the mirror — little wrinkles around your eyes or lips, age spots, maybe some sagging skin. There used to be few options for turning back the clock without going under the knife. But today, you can soften the effects.

Breast Implants
Daily Skin Care
Diagnosis With Precise
Laser Skin Resurfacing